Today Jamie Ridler has asked in this week's segment of Wishcasting Wednesday:
"How do you wish to nourish yourself?"
definition nourish: To provide with food or other substances necessary for life and growth.
I didn't want to focus on food/vitamin/mineral nourishment. So I'm thankful I decided to look up the definition.
I wish to nourish myself with time. Time to enjoy what the hectic pace of life has taken away. Or I should say what I've allowed a hectic life to take away.
It is time I faced up to the truth that I allow too many distractions and stress (that I allow) to keep me running around with my head cut off trying to please the world and not so much ME. So I right now face it, own it and work to change it.
I wish to nourish myself with a more simplified and organized life. Where there's time to just sit and read, crochet, play on my laptop, watch movies, laugh and talk with friends and family.
I wish to nourish myself with time for meditation, prayer and self education.
I wish to nourish myself with time to grow relationships that bring me joy and nourish my spirit.
Thanks Jamie for such a wonderful reminder.
in peace
Anna :-)